Monday 1 June 2020

Protesting racism versus risking Covid-19: ‘I wouldn't weigh these crises separately’

‘...But the risks of congregating during a global pandemic shouldn't keep people from protesting racism, according to dozens of public health and disease experts who signed an open letter in support of the protests. "White supremacy is a lethal public health issue that predates and contributes to COVID-19," the letter said...

Dr Elaine Nsoesie, an assistant professor of global health at Boston University: "Data is showing that blacks and Latinos have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19 in many states," said Nsoesie, who was not among the letter's signatories when NPR contacted her. "Racism is one of the reasons this disparity exists." She continued, "Racism is a social determinant of health. It affects the physical and mental health of blacks in the U.S. So I wouldn't weigh these crises separately."

Read here (NPS, June 1, 2020)

Worst ever Covid variant? Omicron

John Campbell shares his findings on Omicron.  View here (Youtube, Nov 27, 2021)