Sunday 8 November 2020

Coronavirus: The Swiss Cheese Strategy -- Tomas Pueyo

‘There are the four layers to stop the spread of the virus: Fences, Bubbles, Contrafection, and Test-Trace-Isolate. None of them is perfect. All have holes that let infections pass. But together they form an impenetrable defence.

‘An infection might be able to pass one layer, or even two. But if there are several, the odds that the infection goes through every layer undetected becomes minuscule. Imagine, for example, that a country has a Fence that catches 80% of infections, no Social Bubbles, Reduced Contagiousness that eliminates 95% of infections, and a test-trace-isolate that neutralizes 50% of infections. Together, these layers catch 99.5% of cases. If the transmission rate R is 3 (the number of people infected by a source), it will be reduced to 0.015! Every infected person only infects an additional 0.015 people, killing the epidemic within a few weeks.’


  • How the US and the EU failed to control the virus, and how comparable countries succeeded.
  • How you can make sense of all the necessary measures with one simple idea.
  • Why the West’s testing and contact tracing is largely useless — and what they can do about it.
  • The questions that journalists and the People must ask politicians to keep them accountable.
  • How you can stop the virus in your own community, without the need of your government.

Read here (Medium, Nov 9, 2020) 

Worst ever Covid variant? Omicron

John Campbell shares his findings on Omicron.  View here (Youtube, Nov 27, 2021)