Thursday 28 January 2021

All countries should pursue a Covid-19 elimination strategy: Here are 16 reasons why

‘As governments draw up their battle plans for year two, we might expect them to base their strategies on the wealth of data about what works best. And the evidence to date suggests that countries pursuing elimination of Covid-19 are performing much better than those trying to suppress the virus. Aiming for zero-Covid is producing more positive results than trying to “live with the virus”.

‘Here are 16 reasons why we think all countries should at least consider an elimination approach:

  1. It saves lives.
  2. The elimination of community transmission also spares populations from “long-Covid”.
  3. Elimination is pro-equity.
  4. Countries that have eliminated Covid-19 are experiencing less economic contraction.
  5. Elimination is achievable and works in a variety of settings.
  6. The virus can be eliminated even after intense local transmission has occurred.
  7. It’s easier if more countries adopt this approach.
  8. The rollout of effective vaccines will make Covid-19 elimination easier to achieve.
  9. Having an explicit “zero-Covid” goal provides a strong motivating and coordinating focus.
  10. It is sustainable.
  11. If the virus mutates, elimination still works.
  12. It also still works if vaccines provide only limited long-term protection.
  13. It may reduce emergence of more dangerous virus variants.
  14. The use of lockdowns should be less necessary.
  15. Vigorous control of Covid-19 infection has substantial co-benefits.
  16. It provides a good interim strategy while we identify an optimal long-term approach, which is currently uncertain.  

Read here (The Guardian, Jan 28, 2021)

Worst ever Covid variant? Omicron

John Campbell shares his findings on Omicron.  View here (Youtube, Nov 27, 2021)