‘The positive results of Molnupiravir represent an emerging hope for more Covid-19 therapies to come. Its oral administration indicates a potential drug that could come before hospitalization and perhaps even prevent severe symptoms. Were a pill-based treatment for Covid-19 available, many lives would be easily saved and many hospital beds could be opened for those who need them.
‘In addition to its reduction of Covid-19 transmission, Molnupiravir is likely to be useful against influenza, ebola, and a large swath of other viruses as well. Its development appears to be a major advancement in virus control and should be active against Covid-19 variants and variants of other viruses. However, we caution Molnupiravir should be administered in conjunction with other therapies to avoid viruses rapidly developing resistance, which all these viruses are well-equipped to do.
‘Though, as these results are preliminary, we eagerly await the full release of the phase two data and the drug’s eventual full trial outcomes. This could be a real winner.’
Read here (Forbes, Mar 16, 2021)